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[The Homeschool Seeker] Issue #003 Original 13 Colonies
March 31, 2009
Welcome to the newest issue of the Homeschool Seeker

Homeschool Seeker

Volume #003
March 2009

In this issue

  • Introduction
  • Sponsor ad
  • Website updates
  • Mini Lapbook
  • Tip of the month
  • Sponsor ad
  • Homeschool Picture of the month
  • Homeschool Question/Answer
  • Wishlist
  • Closing Comments


Welcome to the current issue of
The Homeschool Seeker.

Spring is here-or so I thought. The last couple of days we have been under a cold snap and just north of here they were getting snow flurries.

This is a lot like our school days. Just when I think they have mastered a topic (beautiful spring day) and I'm ready to start something new (plant a garden) I discover that they don't remember something or they are missing or don't understand a key concept.(frost, snow storm, flurries)

It hits me like a snow flurry after a beautiful and warm spring day. Yes, it sends chills down my back and makes my teeth chatter. lol I get discouraged and wonder will spring ever get here.(Will they ever get this?) I rush to protect the newly planted flowers and wonder why did I try to rush this. (Re-teach the lessons.)

It is funny to me, that most non homeschoolers who comment to me about homeschooling think I have a lot of patience. This is truly hilarious on these educational spring-like days.

Our mini lapbook this month is about the "Original 13 Colonies"

I hope you enjoy this month's newsletter.


I Love SBI!

Website Updates

I have starting changing the Used Books sections over to a new format. On these pages you will find direct links to current online auctions by publisher.

While only Saxon and Teaching Textbooks are now up and running I do plan to expand to other publishers and subjects. I also plan to include reviews of the individual texts/publishers/curriculum.

In a quick glance, you will be able to check out current auctions for books and read reviews about them. Hopefully, the reviews will give you an idea of what to expect if you choose to use a particular book and then if you are interested you can see what that used book is typically selling for at the auction.

If there is a particular subject or curriculum you would like to see, please let me know and I will make it a top priority. You can contact me via the Homeschool Mom page at

Feature Mini Lapbook

This month's feature mini lapbook is on 13 Colonies

Here's how I created this mini lapbook.

1. Gather supplies

Supplies you will need for this mini lapbook:

  • 4 brown paper lunch bag
  • hole punch
  • yarn or string or other material to finish construction of lapbook
  • markers, coloring crayons, pencils, pens

Optional Supplies:

  • Stencils
  • Art supplies
  • stickers
  • glitter
  • glue
  • scissors
  • History resource-books,internet,encyclopedias

2. Once you have all your supplies, fold the 4 paper
bags in 1/2 and hole punch the edges.
For more pictures on how this will look and basic
assembly you can visit Mini Lapbooks

3. Begin by decorating cover. Give the mini lapbook
a title. I will use 13 Colonies
for my title.
4. Choose concepts: For this mini lapbook,
This month the concept titles are pretty easy-the names of the thirteen colonies. Other options might be to dedicate a page to other topics related to colonial life, hardships, etc.

5. Delegate pages for each concept

With the concepts I chose:

  1. Cover Page
  2. New York
  3. New Jersey
  4. New Hampshire
  5. Connecticut
  6. Rhode Island
  7. Virginia
  8. North Carolina
  9. South Carolina
  10. Massachusetts
  11. Maryland
  12. Pennsylvania
  13. Georgia
  14. Delaware
6. Label pages

7. Add information
  • New York
Key Points to have them include or illustrate:

* Year Founded: 1664
* Founded by: Duke of York
* Royal Colony: 1685
Named for the Duke of York (brother of King Charles II);
statehood 7-26-1788;
US Congress met here after Revolution

  • New Jersey

* Year Founded: 1664
* Founded by: Lord Berkeley and Sir George Carteret
* Royal Colony: 1702
Land was given to the Governor of the
Isle of Jersey in the English Channel
for this colony; it would be the site of over
100 battles and skirmishes before the Revolution ended
  • New Hampshire
Key Points to have them include or illustrate:

* Year Founded: 1623
* Founded by: John Mason
* Royal Colony: 1679
Named for Hampshire County in England;
became state 6-21-1788;
was heavily explored by both French and English

  • Connecticut
Key Points to have them include or illustrate:

* Year Founded: c.1635
* Founded by: Thomas Hooker
5th to become a state 1788;
settled by Puritans from Massachusetts;
state laws were model for US Constitution;
nickname is Constitution State
  • Rhode Island
Key Points to have them include or illustrate:

* Year Founded: 1636
* Founded by: Roger Williams
Smallest colony and state;
not an island, was maybe named for Isle of Rhodes
in Aegean Sea; 1st declare independence from England but last of thirteen
to become a state because of concerns over
being fairly represented in spite of size

  • Virginia
  • Key Points to have them include or illustrate:

    * Year Founded: 1607
    * Founded by: London Company
    * Royal Colony: 1624
    Home to four of the first five US presidents,
    and eventually home to four more;
    site of 1st permanent settlement in Jamestown 1607

  • North Carolina
  • Key Points to have them include or illustrate:

    * Year Founded: 1653
    * Founded by: Virginians
    * Royal Colony: 1729
    Home of Roanoke Island's Lost Colony;
    first child born in America was John White's
    granddaughter Virginia on 8-18-1587;
    statehood 11-21-1789

  • South Carolina

  • Key Points to have them include or illustrate:

    * Year Founded: 1663
    * Founded by: Eight Nobles with a Royal Charter from Charles II
    * Royal Colony: 172
    Once part of "Carolana" with NC;
    nickname Palmetto State because fortress of palms
    kept British warship away from Charleston harbor in
    1776 battle; statehood 5-23-1778

    • Massachusetts

    Key Points to have them include or illustrate:

    * Year Founded: 1620
    * Founded by: Puritans
    * Royal Colony: 1691
    Plymouth Rock home; became a state 2-6-1788;
    once had a carved wooden codfish on the wall of
    the State House because codfish were
    a big state industry

    • Maryland

    Key Points to have them include or illustrate:

    * Year Founded: 1634
    * Founded by: Lord Baltimore

    Named for Queen Henrietta Maria of England;
    Known for its valiant army; statehood 4-28-1788;
    part of state became Washington D C

    • Pennsylvania

    Key Points:
    * Year Founded: 1682
    * Founded by: William Penn
    Means Penn's Woods, named for William Penn;
    nickname Keystone State because it is the center of the arch
    of thirteen colonies; 2nd state 12-12-1787; settled by
    various religious groups who greatly enhanced colonial
    life with inventions such as the
    Conestoga wagon

    • Georgia

    Key points to include:
    * Year Founded: 1732
    * Founded by: James Edward Oglethorpe
    * Royal Colony: 1752

    Last colony settled but was 4th to ratify Constitution
    and become state; named after King George II

    • Delaware

    Key Points
    * Year Founded: 1638
    * Founded by: Peter Minuit and New Sweden Company
    1st state 12-7-1787; Delaware's Blue Hen army (named for their
    leader's pet fighting Blue Hen rooster) turned away
    advancing British in initial skirmish with great speed
    and bravery; the 13-star flag was flown in battle here first

    Other ideas:

    List order of colonization Colonial lifestyles Colonial food Mayflower Compact Plymoth Rock Roanoke Island What was it like then page? Colonial clothes Kids in colonial times

    8. Review information

    Really important if you want them to remember the information and it only takes a few minutes.

    9. Add finishing details and final assembly

    As always, there are no strict rules here. Let them be creative in
    all the aspects from decorating to assembly.

    Tip of the Month

    History Tip of the Month: Timelines.

    Timelines are a great aid for teaching and learning about History. In a very visual way they put into perspective what was happening when. If you have an audio or kinesthetic learner you can make them more hands-on or read and repeat certain time frames. Timelines are very organized and easy to view and make those every important connections.

    Just a short note from me about SBI-this is what I use to build my website for homeschoolers. SBI helps you create more than just a website. They offer tools and keep giving you more with advice and helpful information and products (often included in price.) Now for those who are thinking that this is too much to take on or overwhelming they now offer E-learning classes for SBI.

    Sponsor ad
    SBI Video Tour!

    Homeschool Picture of the Month

    I chose this picture for the picture of the month
    because it illustrates the beauty of nature and
    I want to encourage everyone to take some time
    to get outside for school. Spring has
    many opportunities for outdoor learning.
    From rainy days and discussions about water
    cycles to plant and animal cycles.
    I love spring!

    >This picture was taken by my daughter for their website.
    It is also a picture of the local Junior college
    where my son currently is taking classes.

    If you would like to send a picture to be considered
    for use in The Homeschool Seeker there are several
    places on the website where you can submit the image.

    However, the best place to submit an image for the newsletter would be at
    Kid's Create

    Just please add title HOMESCHOOL SEEKER PICTURE so
    that I know it is not a Kid's creation submission.

    Homeschool Question/Answer

    Question: How can I make History lessons more exciting?
    Answer:The key to making any subject exciting and
    thus easier to study and learn about is
    to come up with a way to make them want to
    choose to study the topic.

    Notice I said "to choose". Getting them
    to want to learn doesn't start with...ok, pull
    out your History book, read the next chapter
    and do the questions at the end. Let's get to it.

    History is great for hands on activities. Try to
    design a Mayan code and have the teacher
    decipher it. Go on a fossil hunt or
    visit a museum and follow clues to what your child is interested
    they stand in front of the antique cars for an
    hour but bypass the Indian tribe exhibit?

    Here is a general way to approach this...

    1. You the teacher pick the broad topic
    2. Within that topic there are many facts that are
    interconnected by themes-present them to your child
    3. Follow your child's area of interest within that topic
    4. Visit museums, do hands-on activities, put it in context or
    in relation to their daily lives.
    Texting wouldn't exist if...
    5. Connect the facts, themes, ideas and important concepts
    6. Make it fun and stress free by planning ahead the activities
    and knowing what facts/concepts etc. you want them to know.

    History is filled with facts and it is easy to say just
    remember this or that or read this book about...
    but History can be so much more exciting
    and so much more that just the facts.

    It does take a little more work and planning
    and there are several curriculum that cater to
    the hands-on History approach.
    One of my favorites is Konos. If interested
    you can check for current auctions at
    Used Homeschool Books

    Similar to Konos is Weavers.

    In our library, I have checked out many hands-on history
    books also. These books give wonderful craft, game
    and activity ideas.

    Homeschool Wishlist

    I really want to make this a newsletter
    you enjoy reading. So if you have ideas, comments
    or suggestions please visit

    Homeschool Wishlist

    and let me know.

    Or fill in the form at Homeschool Seeker for ideas/suggestions

    Closing Comments

    I hope you enjoyed this issue of
    The Homeschool Seeker.
    Until next time, happy homeschooling!


    Thanks for reading and visiting

    NOTE: If you are receiving the Text versions some of the links seem to be getting chopped off. If this is the case and you want to follow the can copy and paste the url and it should work. Thanks. Resources 4 Homeschoolers Back to Back Issues Page