| Customer Guidelines Buy Used Homeschool Books
These customer guidelines are to help guide you through the steps of making a purchase through Homeschool Used Books. To initiate a purchase simply respond on the seller's page in the comment section. INCLUDE your email address and any questions you may have about the book or the curriculum. Before your return comment is posted online, I will remove your email or any address information. I will forward your email address along with the comment only to the seller. From there the seller can contact you and the sale can be initiated or completed. If you do not include an email address there will be no way to contact you about the item for sale. Guidelines 1. Be patient with the seller, me and the whole process. This process will likely have a few problems. Let me know about them and I will do my best to work on them. 2. Be Respectful. 3. Pay Promptly. 4. Be Patient. 5. Ask Questions 6. Use the feedback forms on the seller's page to let others know how the transaction went, how you liked the book or just to praise the seller. 7. Before leaving negative feedback, try to work out the problem with the seller or contact me. I have a contact me form directly on my Homeschool Mom page. Remember also, that I review and approve every submission form. If you leave a negative comment unjustified and with no way for me to confirm or try to resolve it, your comment will not be posted. Thank you for viewing the customer guidelines. If you have any helpful comments or suggestions, I am glad to hear them. Enjoy the process. JulieD Go from Customer Guidelines to Used Homeschool Books | | | | | | To Teach by JulieD To Teach Is To master To master Is To know To know Is To live To live Is To share To share Is To give To give Is
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