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Teaching Writing

From words to sentences to paragraphs

From one homeschooling mom to another-we can do it!
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Teaching Writing: Words, Sentences and Paragraphs

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To teach writing begin with the basics, practice until they have mastered a section, then go on to the next step.

  1. Learn about Building Words
  2. Use Words to Build Sentences
  3. Use Sentences to Build Paragraphs
  4. Master the techniques needed to Build Essays, Reports and More

At this stage of writing there is something you need to know....OVERLOAD can happen.

Once they master the writing of letters, then the tendency is to give them spelling words and reading and grammar and some over ambitious moms (I'm not saying who) even throw in a foreign language -just for fun- and of course we can't forget vocabulary building (you do know they only have 10 or so years before they take the ACT or SAT)

BEWARE of the OVERLOAD Demon-it will squash joy, inject anxiety and fear into writing projects....beat the monster with these practical tips...

Writing Resources Tips for Avoiding Overload:

1. Don't expect your children to write perfect sentences that are grammatically correct with  every word spelled correctly and with original content.

2. Give praise about the content

3. Focus on letting them express their ideas without fear of the Grammar, Spelling, Punctuation Demon.

4. Gently discuss how to make it know a period right here just might give this a little umppf ----gentle

Let's talk. 

Yes, punctuation it is important. Yes, grammar is important. Yes, spelling is important

But....if they get frustrated or over-concerned about these things, they will get frustrated with writing.

Teach these things separately. If you must point out the errors in the writing do so with copious amounts of positive praise about the content.


Teach grammar with a grammar program...correct grammar within the program.

Teach spelling with a spelling program...correct spelling within the program.

Teach punctuation and use examples for practice and correction.

When teaching writing, correct what you have discussed in relation to writing.
For example...teach them to start with a topic and praise them when they do. Also, note if they do punctuate, spell and use grammar correctly...these are positive praise opportunities.

However, the most important thing you can do to help your child become a better writer is:

Before they are ready to physically write, have them dictate sentences or stories to should write them down or type them out as they tell them to you. This is one way to help them get in the habit of processing information into sentences, paragraphs and stories without the grammar, spelling, punctuation demon looming over them.

Homeschool Teacher    Homeschool Mentor

Writing Resources: Your Writing Tips for Teaching Writing

Homeschool Teacher, Homeschool Mentor is about sharing tips and strategies with each other. I know you all have some great ideas...why not take a minute and share your writing resources ideas, tips and suggestions.

I'd love to hear from you! Sometimes one little helpful tip from someone else can make all the difference...especially when teaching writing.

Send your writing resources ideas and tips in the form below and they will be reviewed and added to this page as soon as possible. Thanks!

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Do you have a writing tip? Please, share it! By sharing we can all become better writers and communicators.

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Homeschool Teacher    Homeschool Mentor

Writing Resources: Your Writing Tips for Teaching the Alphabet

Homeschool Teacher, Homeschool Mentor is about sharing tips and strategies with each other. I know you all have some great ideas...why not take a minute and share your writing resources ideas, tips and suggestions.

I'd love to hear from you! Sometimes one little helpful tip from someone else can make all the difference...

Send your writing resources ideas and tips in the form below and they will be reviewed and added to this page as soon as possible. Thanks!

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Do you have a writing tip? Please, share it! By sharing we can all become better writers and communicators.

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