by Julie
I bought Flights used at a is in really good shape but has a school stamp on the inside cover.
I am not sure of the exact reading level but my guess is around the 4th, 5th or 6th grade level.
This book as I said is in good shape but there also appear to be some puncture wounds near the spine on the bottom of many of the pages...not sure what made those holes but does not affect the reading parts in any way.
My children have always been encouraged to read and we visit the library often so even though I have this reader and they probably read it, I did not use it as a main part of our curriculum..supplementary material.
The book contains of course, reading selections including some poetry and it also contains skill builders on parts of a book, word parts, outlines and how to read sections on social studies and science.
There are some vocabulary sections covering idioms, synonyms,
prefixes and suffixes,sensory images and unfamiliar words.
I would love for this book to go to someone who can use it.
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